
How to Make a Blog Comment Sheet

Google DocsBlog Comment Sheetをつくりましょう。

1. Access Google Docs (https://www.google.com/docs/about/).  Click on "Go to Google Docs". You will be asked to log into your Google account.

2. Click on "Docs" on the upper left-hand side of the screen.

3. Click on "Sheets" under the "Docs" menu.

4. Click on "Blank".

5. Create four columns entitled, "Date," "Blog URL," "Name," and "Country/School, etc." as shown below.

6. Click on "Untitled spreadsheet" and rename the sheet. 

7. Click on "File" and share the sheet. 

In the box "People", put your instructor's gmail address (NOT columbia email address).  Click on "Send" when done.

    • おかもと せんせい:mukuokamoto@gmail.com
    • たつみ せんせい:naofumi.tatsumi@gmail.com
    • まつい せんせい:kyoko.loetscher@gmail.com
    • ナズキアン せんせい:fumiko.nazikian@gmail.com
    • つだせんせい:asamicolumbia@gmail.com

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今日はオーラルしけんです。がんばってください。 Please do the following activities before and after you take the oral exam. 1. Complete  the course evaluation....